Content is the Cornerstone of Digital Marketing

Everything Starts with Content Creation 

When did you last listen to a podcast, read a blog, watch a video, or scroll through social media? I bet you've done each of these before noon today. As the title of this article suggests, content creation is the cornerstone of digital marketing. It highlights your product or service, establishes brand identity, and increases your online presence. 

What is your company's current content creation strategy? 

Do you already have one set up? If not, this blog will get you started in the right direction.

Content Provides You With Everything 

Content Marketing is about creating and sharing content through different marketing channels to get noticed, provide value, and connect with your audience. It's like a car's engine or a bike's wheels – without it, your digital marketing efforts won't go far. 

Now, when we talk about content, we're not just talking about social media posts. Here are some types of content that you probably engage with daily, possibly all of them:

  1. Blog Posts

  2. Social Media Posts

  3. Videos

  4. Infographics

  5. Podcasts

  6. Email Newsletters

  7. User-Generated Content (UGC)

The right content can get you there, no matter what you're trying to achieve. But here's the catch – it's not just about creating content; it's about using it strategically at different stages of your potential customer's journey. From making them aware of your product to helping them decide, and even after they've become a customer – content is your secret weapon.

And guess what? You can get even more mileage out of your content by repurposing it. Take photos and videos, for example. When you create them, use them more than just once. Share them on your website, in ads, on social media, and in emails – the endless possibilities. 

What Makes Good Content? 

Creating great content can be challenging. It takes time, careful curation, and a creative mindset. It's all about putting your audience front and center! The key is to prioritize your audience's preferences and interests. 

You need to identify the platforms where your audience is most active and discover what grabs their attention. Each social channel provides a distinctive opportunity to engage with your existing and potential customers. Every social channel offers a unique way to connect with current and potential customers. Your job is to find that out!

Make Sure to Provide Value - Great content provides valuable information. Your audience is always ready to learn, so don't be afraid to teach them! Make sure your audience feels well-informed about your company, product details, and any important updates. By positioning yourself as the ultimate authority in your niche, your audience will naturally seek your guidance and solutions instead of turning to your competitors.

For example – if you were a climbing gym, your content would be geared towards educating the audience about different techniques in climbing. This should likely come from your staff or a “professional.” You can also use your account to inspire your followers by telling stories of why your members started climbing, how they benefited, or what they like about your gym. 

Be Original - Make content unique to your brand, which will go further than content duplicated from another brand. While there are trends you can hop on, it's still crucial to make them relatable to your specific audience and brand – Don’t do it to chase likes and views. 

Two Types of Content

Content creation for a company can be divided into two main categories: Product/service content and branding content. These two categories serve different purposes and target distinct aspects of a company's overall marketing strategy.

Product/Service Content:

Product or service content provides information, educates, and promotes the company's specific offerings. Its primary goal is to showcase a company's products or services' features, benefits, and value propositions. 

Here are some examples of product/service content:

  • Product Descriptions: Detailed descriptions of individual products or services, highlighting their unique features, specifications, and benefits. 

  • How-To Guides: Step-by-step tutorials, guides, or instructional videos demonstrating how to use the company's products or services effectively.

  • Product Comparisons: Content that helps customers compare the company's products or services with competitors, outlining the advantages of choosing the company's offerings. 

  • Case Studies: Real-life examples and success stories illustrating how the company's products or services have benefited customers. These can provide social proof and build trust in the brand.

  • User Reviews and Testimonials: Customer reviews and testimonials showcase customers' satisfaction and positive experiences with the company's products or services.

Branding Content:

Branding content is geared towards building and promoting the company's brand image and identity. It helps establish a strong brand presence, convey the company's values, and connect with the target audience on a deeper level. 

While branding is much of what you think your brand is, it is more of how your customers feel about it. So putting them on is the best. A great example of this would be Yeti and Patagonia, who tell the stories of their customers. While they may be unique people with remarkable stories, every company has those customers, too – You just have to find them. 

Examples of branding content include:

  • Brand Storytelling: Compelling narratives highlighting the company's history, mission, values, and the people behind the brand. This content can help humanize the brand and create an emotional connection with the audience.

  • Company Culture Content: Content that showcases the company's workplace culture, employee stories, and values. 

  • Thought Leadership Content: High-quality articles, blog posts, or videos that position the company as an industry expert. This content helps build authority and trust within the industry and the target audience.

  • Social Media Content: Engaging and relatable posts on social media platforms that reflect the brand's personality values and engage with the audience personally.

A well-rounded content strategy for a company should include a mix of product/service content and branding content. While product/service content helps drive sales and inform customers about what the company offers, branding content plays a crucial role in shaping the brand's identity, building trust, and fostering a strong connection with the audience. 

Balancing these two categories effectively can contribute to a comprehensive and successful content marketing strategy.


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